Isaac Newton's defining moment. |
@BernieJMitchell from @Tagtribe asked me speak at the Late Late Breakfast Show on Simon Sinek's TED video 'Start with Why?' I
asked myself "What am I going to talk about? What will be of interest to
the audience?" And then a thought started to formulate. 'Why not base it
around 'defining moments' and their significance? The viewing of this video was
for me a 'defining moment', an instance of 'Aha!' and one that has
fundamentally changed my business strategies forever.
fascinating learning about peoples 'defining moments', listening to their
stories of how their lives were fundamentally changed forever following that
moment. I have found that truly interesting people have always had a story to
tell and it is through those stories that they have been both memorable and
all very nice, but what does that have to do with my business, how is that
going to help me put food on the table and gain business success?" I hear
you ask?
believe it's these 'defining moments' that, when utilised effectively, will
shape your business/career by providing you with a story that highlights your
motivations, helping you build credibility that will differentiate you ensuring
loyalty, trust and admiration.
do we recognise those moments for what they are and do we make the most of
their impact in our lives? I intend to tell you my story, how viewing Simon Sinek's video became one of THE 'defining
moments' of my career and hopefully you will see how you too can build loyalty,
trust and admiration as individuals, as businesses and as brands.
invite you to join me on 15th May 2012 at the Late LateBreakfast Show, where I will be expanding on this topic along with
three other fabulous speakers
- Julie Hall
- Filip Matous
- Phil Szomszo
on...register and I'll see you there.
You can now watch the video of that talk here: - I hope you enjoy it